Red Sea National Parks & Gebel Elba


A dream of lifetime comes true!

  1. Gebel Elba itself and a hike to the mountains are definitely worth a visit. This place was a restricted area during the last years and we are happy to offer it now!

  2. As a kind of “additional bonus” you might get fascinated by the flora and fauna, which are vastly spreading in a rich landscape.

  3. The market in Shalatin specialized in African spices and if you are keen to find African music, which would be the place to have a look.

  4. Additionally, we will visit Roman ruins and some Pre-Historic rock engravings.

  5. Our Route:

  6. Marsa Alam – Seket – Ras Banas – Shalateen – Abu Ramad – Gebel Elba – Wadi Hodein – Abraq – Sheikh Shazly – Marsa Alam

  7. Dates:

  8.         I     07.11. – 19.11.2015

  9.         II    09.12. – 22.12.2015

  10.         III   05.02. – 17.02.2016

  11. Participants:

  12.         6-12

  13. Price:     

  14.         1.737 Euro

Gebel Elba


07.11. – 19.11.2015 
09.12. – 22.12.2015
05.02. – 17.02.2016

1.737 €