DABUKA - YOUR Expert AND PARTNER for Special and unique Events


In cooperation with our partner agencies we also provide our clients with tailormade arrangements for exciting and adventurous expeditions in the desert combined with comfortable and luxurious surroundings.

  1. An once in a lifetime experience:   2014 - KAMAL EXPEDITION    www.kamalexpedition.com

  2. The expedition's aim was to commemorate the anniversary of the memorial plaque of Prince Kamal El Din Hussein who discovered the Gilf Kebir Plateau in the Western Desert of Egypt in 1925.


  1. 2015 - World Record - North cape to South cape   www.touareg-capetocape.com

  2. supported by Dabuka!


  1. 2014 - Walking the Nile Expedition

  2. Levison Wood attempt to become the first person to walk the entire length of the Nile, as he started in Rwanda in December 2013 and finished in Egypt in 2014, covering 4,250 miles across six countries. Sponsored by BBC Channel 4, with the Photographer Tom McShane who documented his journey, Dabuka supported logistically Wood’s expedition throughout his final destination in Egypt.


  1. 2013 - Rowing on the Nile

  2. A dutch-german-egyptian cooperation - rowing from Luxor to Cairo - supported and organized by Dabuka!


  1. 2012 - Ralley London - Capetown

  2. supported and organized in Egypt by Dabuka!
