Djibouti – Ethiopia – Sudan – Egypt - the great adventure


A 21 day Desert tour Trough the heart of EASTAfrica, where you can immerse yourself in this once in a lifetime adventure. Experience exotic lands, outstanding living heritage, people, and the pristine nature of Sudan, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Egypt. Our expedition will offer Desert highlights of each country in a very special combination

  1. Djibouti   Lake Assal, also known in French as Lac Assal, is a crater lake in central Djibouti and lies 515 feet below sea level. It’s shores comprise the lowest point of land on the African continent. It’s also one of the hottest places on earth and the air temperature can reach 140 °F and higher. This large surface of salt around the lake is about 2 feet thick and you can drive a car on the surface.

  2. Ethiopia  For century Ethiopians have made the long trek to the Danakil Depression - one of the hottest and harshest environments in the world - to collect salt from the sun-blasted earth before transporting the slabs back by camel. Meanwhile there is a paved road to transport the “White Gold” through one of the earth ́s most unforgiving landscapes. We follow Ethiopians ancient salt trade. Danakil is also one of the places full of magic. Spending some time at surreal green/yellow/red sulfite lakes in Dallol and the night on top of active Ertale Vulcano will change your mind.

  3. Back to the ethiopian highland. Lalibela is one of Ethiopia's holiest places, dating back to the 12th century. Lalibela town, formerly known as Roha, is known by the amazing eleven churches hewn from solid rock. Built in the twelfth century, they are still standing in excellent condition. Most consider them as the eighth wonder of the world, and is one of the world heritage sites listed by UNESCO.

  4. Sudan   Historically, Wadi Halfa was Nubia's most important trading point, being the gateway between Egypt and Sudan, surrounded by the golden dunes of the Nubian Desert. It marks the entry point between Egypt and Sudan. Between Port Sudan and the Egyptian border there is a range of mountains that follows the Red Sea coast - the Red Sea Hills – with a rich bird life and a dry but fascinating landscape. Crossing Red Sea Hills from east to west and discovering ancient gold mines, rock inscriptions, ruins of pharaonic Bérénice Pancrisia and touching „no man‘s land“ Bir Tawil. We leave Red Sea Hills at Wadi Gabgaba and go straight heading east to WAdi Halfa at the Nile.

  5. Egypt   Nubia is a region along the Nile river located in what is today northern Sudan and southern Egypt. One of the earliest indigenous civilizations, with a history that can be traced from 2000 B.C. onward through Nubian monuments and artifacts as well as written records from Egypt and Rome, it was home to one of the African empires. Today it will welcome you still with its own culture and hospitality. The two temples of Abu Simbel, last but not least, dignified witnesses of the history of Pharao Ramesses II and his queen Nefertari, never lost their fascinating appearance.

  6. Route:

  7. Dibouti – Salt Lake Assal – Lake Abbe - Salt Lake Afrera – Ertale Vulcano - Salt Digger - Dallol - Hamed Ela – Mekele – Lalibela – Tana Lake – Metema – Gedaref – Kassala – Port Sudan – Bérénice Pancrisia (Wadi Alaqi) - Bir Tawil - Wadi Gabgaba – Wadi Halfa – Abu Simbel – Haissa Island (Aswan)

  8. Dates:

  9.         I     20.01. – 10.02.2016

  10. Participants:

  11.         6 - 12

  12. Price:     

  13.         2.970 Euro

20.01. – 10.02.2016
2.970 €